Its time to make

Global Citizenship a reality

Its time to

make Global


a reality


What can be found below is not a prescription or demand. It’s an invitation.

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It’s an invitation to accept responsibility for our world, to heed the call to leadership, to embark on a collective quest to bring about the changes our planet and people so desperately need, and create the future we all know is possible.

It’s an invitation to unite under one banner — as Global Citizens — to create a digital country (AKA network state), a country where all are welcome.

There are hundreds of millions — if not billions — of global citizens in the world. People who see themselves more as part of a global collective than a single nation. We are raising raising a flag around which global citizens can unite, to come together to work on addressing the dire crises that define our era and create a foundation for humanity for the centuries to come.

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What's the Problem?

What's the Problem?

The Proposal : A Citizenship for All

The Proposal : A Citizenship for All

How? Three Initial Phases

How? Three Initial Phases

The First Page of Our Next Chapter

The First Page of Our Next Chapter

you're here

Scroll to dive deeper

Whats the Problem?


Whats the Problem?


"Is this a movement for open borders?"

No, our aims don't require eliminating borders.

No, our aims don't require eliminating borders. The world is not ready for such a change. Our focus is on transcending borders, connecting and empowering people through the internet and coordinating action to address the global challenges we face.

This could be the most important century in the history of our species.

The coming years will determine whether tree of life will flourish beyond imagination or wither and collapse under the immense weight of our collective actions

Existential threats call humanity's chance of surviving this century into question.

Billions of people still live in poverty and privation, left behind as developed countries pursue their own interests.

Sovereign nations prioritize self-interest,

neglecting global needs

and threatening shared resources.

Sovereign nations prioritize self-interest,

neglecting global needs

and threatening shared resources.

"Is this a movement for open borders?"

No, our aims don't require eliminating borders.

No, our aims don't require eliminating borders. The world is not ready for such a change. Our focus is on transcending borders, connecting and empowering people through the internet and coordinating action to address the global challenges we face.

Nation-states prioritize their own interests over global concerns due to the concept of sovereignty. The United Nations lacks the authority to intervene in domestic matters. This self-interest often harms shared global resources like oceans, air, and rainforests.

In the past, individual countries had limited global impact due to their size and resources. However, things have changed dramatically. Now, the actions of one country can have severe global consequences. Countries, once seen as pillars of stability and prosperity, now threaten our very existence.

To address the planet's challenges and help those in need, we require a new approach. The current international system is not built to tackle these significant problems. We need a fresh model that we, as global citizens, can create.

  • Healthcare Access

  • Children's Rights

  • Armed Conflicts

  • Drug Trafficking

  • Food Security

  • Biodiversity Loss

  • Natural Disasters

  • Water Pollution

  • Resource Scarcity

  • Migration Management

  • Nuclear Proliferation

  • Refugee Crisis

  • Human Trafficking

  • Terrorism and Extremism

  • Pandemics

  • Climate Change

  • Education Disparities

  • Cultural Preservation

These problems know no borders. They affect all of us, regardless of where we are born, and are too immense for any one country to meet.

These problems know no borders. They affect all of us, regardless of where we are born, and are too immense for any one country to meet.

Global coordination is necessary to address these challenges but our existing institutions have proven they are not up to the challenge.

Urgent planetary action is necessary. There’s an opportunity yet to be seized, a way to create a new model that works for the planet and all who call it home.

Things don’t need to be this way.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.

To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

— Buckminster Fuller

The Proposal

A Digital Global Citizenship,

A Citizenship for All

A Digital Global Citizenship,

A Citizenship for All

Across our planet, there are millions of people who see themselves as global citizens more than citizens of their country. We recognize the interconnectedness of our lives and the planet we share. We know that a better world is possible.

We now have the technologies to give this latent identity of global citizenship, this shared feeling planetary unity and duty, a form, a unified structure to channel our collective will and begin to address the global challenges we face.

Our aim is to unite global citizens around the world and create a digital country that anyone can join. As a united entity that spans the globe, we can take the first steps towards building a truly planetary society, where all human beings live dignified lives in harmony with the natural world.

Aims of the movement

Internet Access for All

Digital Infrastructure & Services

Preserve & Regenerate the Biosphere

Global Wealth Redistribution

Establish a World Federation

UN Membership & a Seat on the UN Security Council

The internet is the library of the world, the backbone of 21st century societies, and necessary for securing various human rights.
Billions around the world still can't access it.

We seek to deliver access to this new birthright for all.

The internet allows us to reach across borders, even to those living in oppressive regimes, and provide access to various crucial freedom-preserving services secure human rights.

We seek to develop the digital infrastructure that will become the foundations of our emerging global society, built in a way to protect and empower people rather than exploit them.

We are witnessing dramatic declines in biodiversity and ecosystem health around the world. Humanity is inextricably connected to the natural world; our lives depend on the processes of nature. If the biosphere collapses our civilisations will quickly follow.

We will act to catalyse both local and global action to conserve and revive natural world.

The vast wealth inequality between countries is not only unjust, it also is hindering our capacity to address the various global ecological crises we face, the consequences of which will not be stopped by borders.

We will strive to bring about various forms of wealth redistribution to rectify this injustice and empower the poorer people's of our world.

The existing international system is incapable of addressing the existential crises we're confronted with. As humanity's reach and influence extends to planetary proportions, it is imperative that our systems of governance scale proportionally.

We will campaign to create a World Federation, a democratic global institution capable of addressing global issues. In doing so, we will finally cement the equality of all humanity, making us duty-bound to strive to provide a dignified standard of living for everyone, regardless of where they live.

We aim to be recognised like any other country and become members of the United Nations. Our aims include a permanent seat on the Security Council, joining the countries that dictates our collective course, to advocate for the planet and all who call it home.

If self-interested nation-states can have such a powerful influence on global affairs, why can’t we?

As a global country with the pursuing interests of our planet and all of humanity, why should we not have that level of representation?

Aims of the movement

Internet Access for All

Digital Infrastructure & Services

Preserve & Regenerate the Biosphere

Global Wealth Redistribution

Establish a World Federation

UN Membership & a Seat on the UN Security Council

The internet is the library of the world, the backbone of 21st century societies, and necessary for securing various human rights.
Billions around the world still can't access it.

We seek to deliver access to this new birthright for all.

The internet allows us to reach across borders, even to those living in oppressive regimes, and provide access to various crucial freedom-preserving services secure human rights.

We seek to develop the digital infrastructure that will become the foundations of our emerging global society, built in a way to protect and empower people rather than exploit them.

We are witnessing dramatic declines in biodiversity and ecosystem health around the world. Humanity is inextricably connected to the natural world; our lives depend on the processes of nature. If the biosphere collapses our civilisations will quickly follow.

We will act to catalyse both local and global action to conserve and revive natural world.

The vast wealth inequality between countries is not only unjust, it also is hindering our capacity to address the various global ecological crises we face, the consequences of which will not be stopped by borders.

We will strive to bring about various forms of wealth redistribution to rectify this injustice and empower the poorer people's of our world.

The existing international system is incapable of addressing the existential crises we're confronted with. As humanity's reach and influence extends to planetary proportions, it is imperative that our systems of governance scale proportionally.

We will campaign to create a World Federation, a democratic global institution capable of addressing global issues. In doing so, we will finally cement the equality of all humanity, making us duty-bound to strive to provide a dignified standard of living for everyone, regardless of where they live.

We aim to be recognised like any other country and become members of the United Nations. Our aims include a permanent seat on the Security Council, joining the countries that dictates our collective course, to advocate for the planet and all who call it home.

If self-interested nation-states can have such a powerful influence on global affairs, why can’t we?

As a global country with the pursuing interests of our planet and all of humanity, why should we not have that level of representation?

"Is this even realistic?"

Our aims may seem absurd, impossible, a colossal utopian dream with little chance of success.

But we should not tame our ambitions for fear of their magnitude and the shadows they cast.

How do we even begin such an endeavour?

How do we even begin such an endeavour?

What follows is a potential pathway.

Phase One

The Movement, The Network

The Movement, The Network

The first phase will focus on providing the seeds of a new collective narrative. Something that we can look to guide us as we move into the increasingly uncertain future.

Our goal here is to outline a new world view, to get people to ask themselves whether or not we should accept the way the world is and to start asking what should it be like. As consequence of this will be attracting founding citizens. As our list of founding citizens grows, we will establish Global Citizens United chapters in cities around the world - in-person community groups that allows them to congregate with other citizens in their own cities.

Phase Two

Internet Access, Services, and Local Action

Internet Access, Services, and Local Action

Having established a community of citizens, this next phase has three primary focuses.

Create and empower local action groups whose aim is to influence local, regional, and national politics in their respective countries to align with planetary needs.

Develop digital infrastructure and services with the aim of delivering as much value to our citizens as possible. Why digital services? Because it is only through the internet that we can reach beyond borders and deliver access to freedom-preserving and empowering solutions to people around the world, many of whom live in countries controlled by oppressive regimes.

Endeavour to ensure internet access is available to everyone on Earth. Internet access is crucial as it is not only necessary to be a part of this digital country, but also because it is the ultimate tool of freedom and opportunity.

“A country? Isn’t this ironic?”

No, our aims don't require eliminating borders.

Creating a country is a way for us to participate within the existing system though in a radically different way. There is nothing in international law that bars us from exercising our right to self-determination and to form another country.

“A country? Isn’t this ironic?”

No, our aims don't require eliminating borders.

Creating a country is a way for us to participate within the existing system though in a radically different way. There is nothing in international law that bars us from exercising our right to self-determination and to form another country.

Phase Three

Starting a Country

Starting a Country

As our society, economy, and influence grows to a point where it rivals and exceeds that of smaller nations, we will be in position where gaining diplomatic recognition as a country is possible.

According to international law, to become a legitimate country, we need a government, a defined territory, a permanent population, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states.

Each of these is an attainable for our digital country, though not in the order they are above.

Our goal is not to simply check boxes on an international lawyer's list.

Our goal is not to simply check boxes on an international lawyer's list.

We don't need recognition from the international community to achieve many of our goals.

We don't need recognition from the international community to achieve many of our goals.

We don't need approval or permission to do what is right.

We don't need approval or permission to do what is right.


“Who can become a citizen?”


Citizenship is open to anyone in the world, regardless of nationality. If you want to be part of the collective effort to create a better future for humanity and our planet, you are welcome.

In order to take on the planetary challenges we face and uplift the billions of people left behind, a new model is needed. The existing international system is incapable of addressing these grand problems by design. Change will not come from within. A new model is necessary, a model that we as global citizens can create.

The time is now

We’re the only glint of Life we know of in the expansive speckled ocean of darkness we call the Universe. Our actions today have cosmic consequences.

The generations of humans alive to today — you reading this right now — have a responsibility. We have a responsibility to accept the sins of the past and the current state of the world and take on the collective challenge we face. We must embrace our role as custodians of our planet Earth and tend to the garden of life.

Accepting this responsibility and the role you can play could be your most radical act. The act we need.

“Who can become a citizen?”


Citizenship is open to anyone in the world, regardless of nationality. If you want to be part of the collective effort to create a better future for humanity and our planet, you are welcome.

"If not us, who?

And if not now, when?"

To the leaders,

ready to chart a new path, awaiting the spark.

To the nurturers,

suffering as you gaze upon a dying world, longing for community and regeneration.

To the dreamers,

who know what can be, who know of the splendorous world we can create.

To the builders,

who know how it can be done.

To you,

reading this at this moment.

If you’ve been waiting for the call, this is it.

Join us as we write the next chapter of Life.

✦ Frequently ✦ Asked ✦ Questions
  • “Who can become a citizen?”


    Citizenship is open to anyone in the world, regardless of nationality. If you want to be part of the collective effort to create a better future for humanity and our planet, you are welcome.

  • “A country? Isn’t this ironic?”

    No, our aims don't require eliminating borders.

    Creating a country is a way for us to participate within the existing system though in a radically different way. There is nothing in international law that bars us from exercising our right to self-determination and to form another country.

  • “Is this even realistic?”

    No, our aims don't require eliminating borders.

    It’s not only realistic, but necessary. As Nelson Mandela said, "It always seems impossible until it's done.” With citizens who are committed and united in purpose, and with the winds of history our backs —a history that has seen us evolve from tribes to villages, cities, and nations, perpetually coalescing into larger, more unified peoples, what can be seen dreams turn into achievable aspirations. Anyway, do we have anything better to do?

  • "What are the benefits of becoming a citizen?"

    At the early stages of our journey, becoming a Founding Citizen is a symbolic act, a declaration of your commitment to a unified vision of hope, unity, and collective stewardship of our world that will be — a commitment that will be eternally etched in our history for your dependents future generations to witness and honour. Initially, your citizenship serves as a passport to our community and events, and as we progress, it will evolve into a portal to a range of digital services and benefits that we will develop.

  • "Is this a movement for open borders?"

    No, our aims don't require eliminating borders.

    No, our aims don't require eliminating borders. The world is not ready for such a change. Our focus is on transcending borders, connecting and empowering people through the internet and coordinating action to address the global challenges we face.

  • "How can I get involved?"

    No, our aims don't require eliminating borders.

    Visit the Join us page to become a founding citizen, join the community, connect on social media, spread awareness, and find other ways to contribute. We are actively seeking people to join our team to bring this dream of a united future to life.

  • “Who can become a citizen?”


    Citizenship is open to anyone in the world, regardless of nationality. If you want to be part of the collective effort to create a better future for humanity and our planet, you are welcome.

  • “A country? Isn’t this ironic?”

    No, our aims don't require eliminating borders.

    Creating a country is a way for us to participate within the existing system though in a radically different way. There is nothing in international law that bars us from exercising our right to self-determination and to form another country.

  • “Is this even realistic?”

    No, our aims don't require eliminating borders.

    It’s not only realistic, but necessary. As Nelson Mandela said, "It always seems impossible until it's done.” With citizens who are committed and united in purpose, and with the winds of history our backs —a history that has seen us evolve from tribes to villages, cities, and nations, perpetually coalescing into larger, more unified peoples, what can be seen dreams turn into achievable aspirations. Anyway, do we have anything better to do?

  • "What are the benefits of becoming a citizen?"

    At the early stages of our journey, becoming a Founding Citizen is a symbolic act, a declaration of your commitment to a unified vision of hope, unity, and collective stewardship of our world that will be — a commitment that will be eternally etched in our history for your dependents future generations to witness and honour. Initially, your citizenship serves as a passport to our community and events, and as we progress, it will evolve into a portal to a range of digital services and benefits that we will develop.

  • "Is this a movement for open borders?"

    No, our aims don't require eliminating borders.

    No, our aims don't require eliminating borders. The world is not ready for such a change. Our focus is on transcending borders, connecting and empowering people through the internet and coordinating action to address the global challenges we face.

  • "How can I get involved?"

    No, our aims don't require eliminating borders.

    Visit the Join us page to become a founding citizen, join the community, connect on social media, spread awareness, and find other ways to contribute. We are actively seeking people to join our team to bring this dream of a united future to life.

Global Citizens United






Global Citizens United

How to get involved

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Read the Complete Invitation

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Global Citizens United


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Global Citizens United


The time is now.